Dean Koontz - Demon Seed

This new edition of Demon Seed is an updated version of a novel that Koontz wrote in the 70's (of which a film version was made). The basic plot of the story is that a super-intelligent computer named Proteus becomes self-aware, and falls in what he thinks is love with the wife of the scientist who helped design him. He enters her fully-automated house by way of the controlling computer, and soon has her trapped inside. His aim is to impregnate the woman and inject into the foetus his own consciousness.
What makes this book particularly interesting is the fact that Koontz uses Proteus to make a social comment on the male mind and how it perceives women. It really gives a fascinating insight into the male psyche, through the eyes of the computer who thinks he loves this woman and can use that as an excuse to hurt her as much as he pleases. Definitely an interesting read, and one which will make both sexes think.